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E-Safety Advice for Parents and Carers


The internet is a fantastic resource that enables us to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways and on a range of devices but it is always changing and keeping up to date with your child's use of technology can be a challenge.  Children need advice and protection when it comes to managing their online usage and there are a range of organisations to support with this.

In school the children learn about E-Safety as part of our PSHCE and Computing curriculum. We also celebrate 'Safer Internet Day' each year with whole school and class activities. In addition to this, we aim to work in partnership with our parents and carers to ensure that the safe and responsible use of technology is transferred from school to home.

The aim of this page is to give parents and carers access to advice and resources to help you at home to ensure that you feel confident in supporting and protecting your children.

What can I do to keep my child safe online?

Click the images below to be taken to useful websites and resources.


UK Safer Internet Centre

UKSIC have a range of information for parents and carers on highlighting the issues of internet, how to have a conversation with your child about staying safe online, safety tools on social networks, parental controls offered by internet providers, guides to technology and resources.



NSPCC in partnership with O2, provides useful information for parents about the most popular and current sites, apps and games used by children. The free tool, called Net Aware is updated regularly. In addition, each site/app/game has free advice from O2 on how the privacy settings work for that particular platform.




Childnet has a range of information to support parents and carers in helping to keep their child safe online. This includes advice on parental controls, hot topics, toolkits, family agreements, guides on how to have a conversation about online safety, how to report harmful content.



Thinkuknow has helpful advice and tools that parents and carers can use to help keep their child safe online. They have downloadable guides on various social media sites and they also have some useful films for parents to watch about the risks online as well as advice as to what to do if you are concerned about your child or wish to report something that has happened.


Internet Matters

Internet Matters gives parents and carers expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly. From age-specific online safety checklists to guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, you’ll find a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world.




The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website contains online safety guidance including this useful page on 'Games consoles, smart devices and how to keep your children safe' . It contains top tips for keeping your children safe online including advice on privacy settings and parental controls.


Get Safe Online

Get Safe Online provides in-depth information and advice about online safety issues.  It includes dedicated advice about children's gaming as well as information on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobiles devices against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online.


BBC Own It

The BBC's Own It platform is specifically designed to protect and support children using the internet. It gives lots of easy to understand information and advice for KS2 children to help them successfully navigate and control their online life. It also contains a useful parent toolkit.

Worried about your child?

Use this link to CEOP to enable you to report to the police if someone has done something online that has made you or your child feel worried or unsafe. 

DB Primary

We use DB Primary as our learning platform and we ask all new starters to the school to sign a user agreement to help everyone stay safe. This is a secure learning envionrment with educational games and activities for the children to use. There is a messaging function through DB Primary which is monitored through a flagged word system by staff in school. The 'yellow whistle' is always available for children to press if they see or hear anything that upsets them while they are using the platform which alerts a member of staff.

DB Parents Letter
DB Home/School Agreement

DB Parents Leaflet

E-Safety Policy

Our school E-Safety policy can be found in the 'Information' section of this website on the 'Policies' page here.

If you would like to discuss any issues surrounding your child’s safety online then please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher or to Mr Roy, our school e-safety co-ordinator.

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