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The Governing Body


The Governing Body consists of eight individuals representing different parts of our school and wider community.

There are:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Foundation Governors, appointed by the West Yorkshire and the Dales Diocesan Board of Education
  • 1 Co-opted Governor, appointed for their specific skills
  • 2 Staff Governors one of whom is the Headteacher

The Governing Body agrees policies and has a shared ownership for the development and strategic direction of the school. It acts as a ‘critical friend’ by asking searching questions whilst at all times respecting the position of the Headteacher as professional leader of the school.

As a full governing board we meet regularly, endeavoring always to ensure our children receive the best education possible, in a safe and supportive environment.

The minutes of Governing Body meetings are available at the bottom of this webpage and on the Governors notice board located in the rear entrance vestibule of school. 

Business Interests of Governors

There are no interests declared by the current Governing Body.

Duties of the Governing Body

Governors are elected to serve four years. Governors are like a Board of Directors who meet six times a year and make decisions about how the school is run.

The main duty of the governing body is to maintain and improve our school's standards of education; our work can be divided into these key areas:

setting the school's vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of resources
monitoring and evaluating performance
acting as a critical friend to support and challenge in the management of the school
ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs

As a Governing Body we:

  • give support, advice and help to the school
  • take a real pride in the school and the achievements of its pupils and staff
  • work on and agree general school policies and the school's own Development Plan
  • work in partnership with the staff and education advisors for the benefit of the school
  • visit the school in order to gain a clear understanding of the working of the school
  • accept and act on collective decisions of the governing body
  • participate in school activities in particular those which promote the school
  • participate in training sessions
  • ensure financial probity
  • ensure the premises are well managed

Members of the Governing Body

Governor’s Name Representation Date of Appointment Appointed By Date Present Term Expires
Mrs Rebecca Lyman Executive Headteacher September 2023 Ex Officio N/A
Mr Harry Eastland (Chair) Co-Opted Governor November 2023 Full Governing Body November 2027
Mrs Debbie Britton Foundation Governor January 2024 Diocese January 2028
Mrs Judy Andrews Foundation Governor May 2024 Diocese May 2028
Mrs Jamie Willis Staff Governor  September 2021 Elected by School Staff September 2025
Mr Chris Probert Parent Governor January 2023 Parents January 2027
Mrs Philippa Whitaker Local Authority Governor March 2024 Local Authority March 2028

Past Governors

Retired Governor’s Name Representation Date of Leaving Governor Body
Reverend Suzy McCarter Foundation Governor May 2024
Mrs Hayely Cronin Parent Governors February 2024
Mrs Linda Turvey Chair of Governors October 2023
Miss Victoria Kirkman Headteacher August 2023
Mrs Kathryn Morrison Local Authority Governor August 2023
Mrs Rosemary Bird Foundation Governor January 2023
Dr Helen Waterworth Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Paul Hill Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Matt Walker Local Authority Governor December 2021
Mrs Liz Bedford Headteacher August 2021
Mrs Katey Lacey Staff Governor July 2021
Dr Kate Jones Parent Governor June 2021
Mrs Debbie Britton Chair of Governors August 2020
Mrs Tracy Robinson Parent Governor July 2020

Governing Body Attendance

2022-2023 Academic Year

Number of meetings in the year: 6

Number of meetings in brackets = number possible to attend due to date of appointment or retirement

Name Number of Meetings Attended
Miss Victoria Kirkman (EHT) 6
Mrs Jamie Willis 6
Mrs Linda Turvey 6
Mrs Rosemary Bird 2 (3)
Mrs Kathryn Morrison 6
Rev. Suzy McCarter 4
Mr Paul Hill 2 (2)
Dr Helen Waterworth 0 (1)
Mr Chris Probert 2 (3)

Meet the Governing Body

Harry Eastland - Chair of Governors



Mrs Judy Andrews - Foundation Governor






Mrs Debbie Britton - Foundation Governor

Mrs Rebecca Lyman - Executive Headteacher







Mr Chris Probert - Parent Governor






Jamie Willis - Staff Governor








Chris Walker - Clerk to the Governors

Insert content here

The Governing Body


The Governing Body consists of eight individuals representing different parts of our school and wider community.

There are:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Foundation Governors, appointed by the West Yorkshire and the Dales Diocesan Board of Education
  • 1 Co-opted Governor, appointed for their specific skills
  • 2 Staff Governors one of whom is the Headteacher

The Governing Body agrees policies and has a shared ownership for the development and strategic direction of the school. It acts as a ‘critical friend’ by asking searching questions whilst at all times respecting the position of the Headteacher as professional leader of the school.

As a full governing board we meet regularly, endeavoring always to ensure our children receive the best education possible, in a safe and supportive environment.

The minutes of Governing Body meetings are available at the bottom of this webpage and on the Governors notice board located in the rear entrance vestibule of school. 

Business Interests of Governors

There are no interests declared by the current Governing Body.

Duties of the Governing Body

Governors are elected to serve four years. Governors are like a Board of Directors who meet six times a year and make decisions about how the school is run.

The main duty of the governing body is to maintain and improve our school's standards of education; our work can be divided into these key areas:

setting the school's vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of resources
monitoring and evaluating performance
acting as a critical friend to support and challenge in the management of the school
ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs

As a Governing Body we:

  • give support, advice and help to the school
  • take a real pride in the school and the achievements of its pupils and staff
  • work on and agree general school policies and the school's own Development Plan
  • work in partnership with the staff and education advisors for the benefit of the school
  • visit the school in order to gain a clear understanding of the working of the school
  • accept and act on collective decisions of the governing body
  • participate in school activities in particular those which promote the school
  • participate in training sessions
  • ensure financial probity
  • ensure the premises are well managed

Members of the Governing Body

Governor’s Name Representation Date of Appointment Appointed By Date Present Term Expires
Mrs Rebecca Lyman Executive Headteacher September 2023 Ex Officio N/A
Mr Harry Eastland (Chair) Co-Opted Governor November 2023 Full Governing Body November 2027
Rev. Suzy McCarter Foundation Governor September 2021 Diocese September 2025
Mrs Debbie Britton Foundation Governor January 2024 Diocese January 2028
Mrs Jamie Willis Staff Governor  September 2021 Elected by School Staff September 2025
Mr Chris Probert Parent Governor January 2023 Parents January 2027
Mrs Philippa Whitaker Local Authority Governor March 2024 Local Authority March 2028

Past Governors

Retired Governor’s Name Representation Date of Leaving Governor Body
Mrs Hayely Cronin Parent Governors February 2024
Mrs Linda Turvey Chair of Governors October 2023
Miss Victoria Kirkman Headteacher August 2023
Mrs Kathryn Morrison Local Authority Governor August 2023
Mrs Rosemary Bird Foundation Governor January 2023
Dr Helen Waterworth Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Paul Hill Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Matt Walker Local Authority Governor December 2021
Mrs Liz Bedford Headteacher August 2021
Mrs Katey Lacey Staff Governor July 2021
Dr Kate Jones Parent Governor June 2021
Mrs Debbie Britton Chair of Governors August 2020
Mrs Tracy Robinson Parent Governor July 2020

Governing Body Attendance

2022-2023 Academic Year

Number of meetings in the year: 6

Number of meetings in brackets = number possible to attend due to date of appointment or retirement

Name Number of Meetings Attended
Miss Victoria Kirkman (EHT) 6
Mrs Jamie Willis 6
Mrs Linda Turvey 6
Mrs Rosemary Bird 2 (3)
Mrs Kathryn Morrison 6
Rev. Suzy McCarter 4
Mr Paul Hill 2 (2)
Dr Helen Waterworth 0 (1)
Mr Chris Probert 2 (3)

Meet the Governing Body

Harry Eastland - Chair of Governors

Mrs Debbie Britton - Foundation Governor

Mrs Rebecca Lyman - Executive Headteacher







Mr Chris Probert - Parent Governor






Jamie Willis - Staff Governor








Mrs Philippa Whitaker - Local Authority Governor

Chris Walker - Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Judy Andrews - Foundation Governor


The Governing Body


The Governing Body consists of eight individuals representing different parts of our school and wider community.

There are:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Foundation Governors, appointed by the West Yorkshire and the Dales Diocesan Board of Education
  • 1 Co-opted Governor, appointed for their specific skills
  • 2 Staff Governors one of whom is the Headteacher

The Governing Body agrees policies and has a shared ownership for the development and strategic direction of the school. It acts as a ‘critical friend’ by asking searching questions whilst at all times respecting the position of the Headteacher as professional leader of the school.

As a full governing board we meet regularly, endeavoring always to ensure our children receive the best education possible, in a safe and supportive environment.

The minutes of Governing Body meetings are available at the bottom of this webpage and on the Governors notice board located in the rear entrance vestibule of school. 

Business Interests of Governors

There are no interests declared by the current Governing Body.

Duties of the Governing Body

Governors are elected to serve four years. Governors are like a Board of Directors who meet six times a year and make decisions about how the school is run.

The main duty of the governing body is to maintain and improve our school's standards of education; our work can be divided into these key areas:

setting the school's vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of resources
monitoring and evaluating performance
acting as a critical friend to support and challenge in the management of the school
ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs

As a Governing Body we:

  • give support, advice and help to the school
  • take a real pride in the school and the achievements of its pupils and staff
  • work on and agree general school policies and the school's own Development Plan
  • work in partnership with the staff and education advisors for the benefit of the school
  • visit the school in order to gain a clear understanding of the working of the school
  • accept and act on collective decisions of the governing body
  • participate in school activities in particular those which promote the school
  • participate in training sessions
  • ensure financial probity
  • ensure the premises are well managed

Members of the Governing Body

Governor’s Name Representation Date of Appointment Appointed By Date Present Term Expires
Mrs Rebecca Lyman Executive Headteacher September 2023 Ex Officio N/A
Mr Harry Eastland (Chair) Co-Opted Governor November 2023 Full Governing Body November 2027
Rev. Suzy McCarter Foundation Governor September 2021 Diocese September 2025
Mrs Debbie Britton Foundation Governor January 2024 Diocese January 2028
Mrs Jamie Willis Staff Governor  September 2021 Elected by School Staff September 2025
Mr Chris Probert Parent Governor January 2023 Parents January 2027
Mrs Philippa Whitaker Local Authority Governor March 2024 Local Authority March 2028

Past Governors

Retired Governor’s Name Representation Date of Leaving Governor Body
Mrs Hayely Cronin Parent Governors February 2024
Mrs Linda Turvey Chair of Governors October 2023
Miss Victoria Kirkman Headteacher August 2023
Mrs Kathryn Morrison Local Authority Governor August 2023
Mrs Rosemary Bird Foundation Governor January 2023
Dr Helen Waterworth Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Paul Hill Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Matt Walker Local Authority Governor December 2021
Mrs Liz Bedford Headteacher August 2021
Mrs Katey Lacey Staff Governor July 2021
Dr Kate Jones Parent Governor June 2021
Mrs Debbie Britton Chair of Governors August 2020
Mrs Tracy Robinson Parent Governor July 2020

Governing Body Attendance

2022-2023 Academic Year

Number of meetings in the year: 6

Number of meetings in brackets = number possible to attend due to date of appointment or retirement

Name Number of Meetings Attended
Miss Victoria Kirkman (EHT) 6
Mrs Jamie Willis 6
Mrs Linda Turvey 6
Mrs Rosemary Bird 2 (3)
Mrs Kathryn Morrison 6
Rev. Suzy McCarter 4
Mr Paul Hill 2 (2)
Dr Helen Waterworth 0 (1)
Mr Chris Probert 2 (3)

Meet the Governing Body

Harry Eastland - Chair of Governors



Reverend Suzy McCarter - Foundation Governor


I am the incumbent of the Benefice of Hampsthwaite with Felliscliffe, Killinghall and Birstwith. I qualified as a teacher after university and have worked in both secondary schools as RE and English teacher and subsequently in Primary Schools as a Key Stage 2 teacher and RE and IT lead. I was ordained in 2007, served my curacy in Blackburn Diocese, in 2010, moved to Bradford Diocese which then became the Diocese of Leeds. I started work in this Benefice in 2021.  I serve as Foundation Governor for the three Primary schools in the Benefice and hope to support the schools’ Christian ethos and the children’s education in any way that I can.



Mrs Debbie Britton - Foundation Governor

Mrs Rebecca Lyman - Executive Headteacher







Mr Chris Probert - Parent Governor






Jamie Willis - Staff Governor








Chris Walker - Clerk to the Governors


The Governing Body


The Governing Body consists of eight individuals representing different parts of our school and wider community.

There are:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Foundation Governors, appointed by the West Yorkshire and the Dales Diocesan Board of Education
  • 1 Co-opted Governor, appointed for their specific skills
  • 2 Staff Governors one of whom is the Headteacher

The Governing Body agrees policies and has a shared ownership for the development and strategic direction of the school. It acts as a ‘critical friend’ by asking searching questions whilst at all times respecting the position of the Headteacher as professional leader of the school.

As a full governing board we meet regularly, endeavoring always to ensure our children receive the best education possible, in a safe and supportive environment.

The minutes of Governing Body meetings are available at the bottom of this webpage and on the Governors notice board located in the rear entrance vestibule of school. 

Business Interests of Governors

There are no interests declared by the current Governing Body.

Duties of the Governing Body

Governors are elected to serve four years. Governors are like a Board of Directors who meet six times a year and make decisions about how the school is run.

The main duty of the governing body is to maintain and improve our school's standards of education; our work can be divided into these key areas:

setting the school's vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of resources
monitoring and evaluating performance
acting as a critical friend to support and challenge in the management of the school
ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs

As a Governing Body we:

  • give support, advice and help to the school
  • take a real pride in the school and the achievements of its pupils and staff
  • work on and agree general school policies and the school's own Development Plan
  • work in partnership with the staff and education advisors for the benefit of the school
  • visit the school in order to gain a clear understanding of the working of the school
  • accept and act on collective decisions of the governing body
  • participate in school activities in particular those which promote the school
  • participate in training sessions
  • ensure financial probity
  • ensure the premises are well managed

Members of the Governing Body

Governor’s Name Representation Date of Appointment Appointed By Date Present Term Expires
Mrs Rebecca Lyman Executive Headteacher September 2023 Ex Officio N/A
Mr Harry Eastland (Chair) Co-Opted Governor November 2023 Full Governing Body November 2027
Rev. Suzy McCarter Foundation Governor September 2021 Diocese September 2025
Mrs Debbie Britton Foundation Governor January 2024 Diocese January 2028
Mrs Jamie Willis Staff Governor  September 2021 Elected by School Staff September 2025
Mr Chris Probert Parent Governor January 2023 Parents January 2027
Mrs Philippa Whitaker Local Authority Governor March 2024 Local Authority March 2028

Past Governors

Retired Governor’s Name Representation Date of Leaving Governor Body
Mrs Hayely Cronin Parent Governors February 2024
Mrs Linda Turvey Chair of Governors October 2023
Miss Victoria Kirkman Headteacher August 2023
Mrs Kathryn Morrison Local Authority Governor August 2023
Mrs Rosemary Bird Foundation Governor January 2023
Dr Helen Waterworth Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Paul Hill Parent Governor November 2022
Mr Matt Walker Local Authority Governor December 2021
Mrs Liz Bedford Headteacher August 2021
Mrs Katey Lacey Staff Governor July 2021
Dr Kate Jones Parent Governor June 2021
Mrs Debbie Britton Chair of Governors August 2020
Mrs Tracy Robinson Parent Governor July 2020

Governing Body Attendance

2022-2023 Academic Year

Number of meetings in the year: 6

Number of meetings in brackets = number possible to attend due to date of appointment or retirement

Name Number of Meetings Attended
Miss Victoria Kirkman (EHT) 6
Mrs Jamie Willis 6
Mrs Linda Turvey 6
Mrs Rosemary Bird 2 (3)
Mrs Kathryn Morrison 6
Rev. Suzy McCarter 4
Mr Paul Hill 2 (2)
Dr Helen Waterworth 0 (1)
Mr Chris Probert 2 (3)

Meet the Governing Body

Harry Eastland - Chair of Governors



Reverend Suzy McCarter - Foundation Governor


I am the incumbent of the Benefice of Hampsthwaite with Felliscliffe, Killinghall and Birstwith. I qualified as a teacher after university and have worked in both secondary schools as RE and English teacher and subsequently in Primary Schools as a Key Stage 2 teacher and RE and IT lead. I was ordained in 2007, served my curacy in Blackburn Diocese, in 2010, moved to Bradford Diocese which then became the Diocese of Leeds. I started work in this Benefice in 2021.  I serve as Foundation Governor for the three Primary schools in the Benefice and hope to support the schools’ Christian ethos and the children’s education in any way that I can.



Mrs Debbie Britton - Foundation Governor

Mrs Rebecca Lyman - Executive Headteacher







Mr Chris Probert - Parent Governor






Jamie Willis - Staff Governor








Chris Walker - Clerk to the Governors

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