School Meals

At lunchtime the hot dinners are cooked on the school site. The school kitchen was upgraded a few years ago to make it a ‘cooking kitchen’ and with Charlotte, our wonderful school cook at the helm, the children have access to excellent quality hot lunches which fulfil the national nutritional guidelines for children. 65% of the food is sourced within the county of North Yorkshire. There is a pre-order choice menu which ensures that there is always something for everybody.
The price of a hot dinner is currently £2.86. This should be paid half termly, though may be weekly if wished.
Children may also choose to bring a packed lunch. In the interest of safety we ask that drinks for the packed lunch are brought in a plastic flask or sealed beaker. No fizzy drinks or sweets or chocolate bars should be brought nor any food items containing nuts or peanuts.
We require two week’s notice if a child is transferring from school dinner to packed lunch or vice versa.
Please find below, a copy of this term's lunch menu.
Mid-morning snacks
Milk is available mid-morning, free of charge until a child’s 5th birthday. Fruit is provided free of charge for all children from Reception to Year 2.
Milk and Fruit continues to be an optional snack for pupils in Years 3 to 6 at a nominal charge.