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British Values

British Values


Children are actively encouraged to have a voice and share their views and opinions regularly during lessons, collective worship and assemblies. Pupil voice is valued and children are able to share their opinions on matters including the subjects and content taught, driving change and improvement. The children have opportunity as part of various councils (Collective Worship and Mental Health and Wellbeing) to work with leaders in our school and governors to make positive changes that represent the views of the children in our school. This has included selecting charities to fundraise for that have meaning to our pupil body, creating posters directing children to support networks for their mental health alongside hosting wider community events. Governors regularly talk to our children to understand their views on the curriculum, school structure and other details to support leaders in effective self-evaluation that drives improvement.

The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, from those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout the school day and through our collective worship sessions. Children are taught the reasons behind laws and why they are valuable, to protect and govern us. Children are aware of the consequences and responsibilities that laws entail, which feeds through topics such as Literacy through books linking to crime and punishment and during History through the Romans. Children are reminded of the school rules through our 3 values ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ and have been discretely taught what these mean in practise. These are displayed around school, in every classroom, and used throughout the day by all school staff

Individual Liberty

Our school promotes a safe and positive environment for children to make decisions and choices from the earliest stages of education in our EYFS and KS1 class. We endeavour to provide varied and ample opportunities for young children to take risks and make choices safely, such as in Forest School sessions and in the EYFS/KS1 outdoor area. We ensure this knowledge, through Computing and PSHCE sessions, is embedded for online risks and choices also such as through E-Safety sessions and modules. Children are encouraged to be aware of and exercise their rights and personal freedoms in a safe and respectful manner. There are opportunities for children to choose and participate in a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, such as Young Voices and Sports, that allow them to excel and challenge themselves where they have the freedom to explore.

Mutual Respect

As our 3 values ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ reinforce that mutual respect is within the core of our values. Children are taught throughout each stage of their education that their behaviour has an effect on themselves and others. All members of the school community, through our behaviour policy, values statement and Christian beliefs, treat all members of the school and wider community with mutual respect

Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Children at Birstwith CE School are based in an area which is not very culturally diverse, therefore the need to explore and celebrate diversity is amplified. Being a Church of England school, through our beliefs and values, children are actively encouraged to more than tolerate those who are different to themselves by being understanding and respectful to all. Our RE curriculum teaches children about different faiths, and we incorporate a diverse range of texts within our Guided Reading and Literacy schemes of work. Children have the opportunity to respectfully enjoy and learn about celebrations and stories from other religions, faiths and cultures beyond our children’s experiences, such as visits from The Indian Experience (http://www.theindianexperience.org/) and Chinese New Year activities. Our PSHCE curriculum reinforces these, and staff are involved in diversity training from Diversity Role Models (https://www.diversityrolemodels.org/).  

SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) Curriculum


Our RE (Religious Education) and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) curriculum offers regular opportunity for the embedding of our SMSC and Fundamental British Values.

Our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural curriculum supports our children to develop their individuality to support their transition from childhood to becoming valued members of society. This is done through both the curriculum and collective worship, such as promoting values through our half-termly focus such as ‘Trust, Creativeness and Love’ as per our Collective Worship schedule. Our staff promote these qualities through the curriculum and school life, including sharing inspirational stories and role models through our Picture News provision. At Birstwith CE School, we share the vision and strive to achieve the Ofsted pupil aims for SMSC as a ‘golden thread’ throughout their education journey.

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